Now a key place to visit/a must see in Auvergne, the exploration park Vulcania is frequently mentioned in media. Considered as an educational and playful activity for all the family ! If you’re currently planning a visit in our park, and you are seeking for feedbacks or opinions on Vulcania, this selection is made for you.

Tripadvisor classifications, Lonely Planet and Familiscope : get opinions of 3 specialized media in tourism and family activities at Vulcania!
Vulcania in Lonely Planet classification
Lonely Planet stands through the biggest publishers of french guides with advice on touristic activities all over the world.
On the publisher’s website, Vulcania is mentioned as the first activity to do during a long week-end in Auvergne. The park is recognized as an excellent start to discover Auvergne and more precisely the natural regional park of Auvergne volcanoes.
Lonely Planet mentions Vulcania as a must do activity to do with kids in Auvergne into “Museum and educational amusement park” and “Top of amusement park” categories. The park is considered being a good introduction to volcanism and an essential/major activity in Auvergne.
Vulcania’s reviews on Familiscope
Familiscope is a website which gives advice on activities to do as a family everywhere in France. The media’s specificity? Its “testing-parents” who give trustable opinions on tested activities. The website reports all age children opinions too, which seems to be very useful to choose activities to do with siblings.
Here, the opinions about Vulcania are excellent with a 3.3/4 average rate and more than 20 listed opinions.*
On the web page dedicated to the exploration park, Familiscope considers Vulcania as the biggest amusement park around the theme of volcanoes and natural phenomena. The park is mentioned to be an ideal activity for children from 6 years old, in order to have a sensational and discovering day in an outstanding natural place.
Vulcania’s reviews on Tripadvisor
With more than 3000 opinions given by website users (with 60% “excellent” and “very good”)*, Tripadvisor, the well-known advice website on touristic activities ranks Vulcania 34th out of 500 in the French amusement park classification ! An interesting ranking knowing that Vulcania is first of all an exploration park to learn while having fun about volcanoes and natural phenomena, before being an amusement park.
*Based on data collected in 2022 on mentioned websites.